Monday, May 17, 2010

Our Most Beautiful Little Flower Girl

On April 24, 2010 Eva Beth was the most beautiful little flower girl in Heather and Kyle Kleber's wedding. If you follow the blog, Miss Heather has made her way all throughout the life of both Eva and Kellan's story so far. I have no doubt she'll be around their lives for a very long time. What a special day for Heather & Kyle and what a special day for us as we see our angel bring joy and flower petals to the ceremony.

Excellent practicing at Friday night's rehearsal. Quite the pro!

After major thunderstorms all day, we were so thankful for the sun and clear skies that came out just an hour before. A very patient Eva waited in the "big girl" room with the help of puffs, of course.

Me and the beautiful bride

After the official business, we spent the night dancing our little rears off to all of Eva's favorite songs thanks to a very accommodating DJ. While Jon rolled his eyes more that night than I have seen in a long time, I was one proud Momma to see my little girl shake her groove thing with such rhythm!!

Its blurry but the sweetest moment of the night, of course other than the ceremony but Jon may argue even that, was the last dance with Eva and her Daddy. 

I am heartbroken the picture is blurry but the memory is not. If any Dads with daughters want a tear-jerker, Steven Curtis Chapman's "Dancing with Cinderella" is it. Jon enjoyed his time with his own Cinderella that night as I know he will for many, many years to come. These two really have something special and I am so thankful for their amazing relationship. 

What an awesome night!!

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