Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This girl is too much!

When I say every day with Eva is entertaining I am not kidding. As Jon was unloading new diapers for Kellan, Eva starts pointing and screaming. We knew exactly what she wanted. He put the empty box down and she starts pushing it all along the floor. This was clearly only fun for, oh, one minute because then this is what was next. Jon pushes her around the kitchen and living room, down the hallway, while she smiled and laughed. I told him to stop because clearly this was a great photo op. She proceeds to look at me and tell me "more" in sign language so off they went again. Never a dull moment at our house these days!!


Jessica Harriman said...

Aren't the simple things the best play things? And Mary Ella has that same outfit! :)

Tales From Alexandria said...

She is too much! She and Katherine do such similar things! I can not wait for them to see eachother this summer, oh what a blast these two will have!