Wednesday, October 14, 2009

KJ's Room Update

Its taken a little while but our little man's room is finally coming together. As of last weekend the majority of the furniture was in, I loaded the dresser with cute pajamas, burp cloths and diapers and we moved E's gender neutral stuff into his room! I have to always give credit to the best designer ever! Myra Graves helped us get the room together and man does she always over deliver. I am so excited about the last few pieces coming in this week, finding a bookcase and a rug and then adding him in person! Here's a sneak peak into where we were as of last Saturday night.

Also I am officially 37 weeks and full term. Praise the Lord the end is in sight. I am so ready for him to be here on the outside and give my body a much needed break! Despite the constant contractions and "soreness", Dr. Hinton is convinced he's content and will stay put until Jon gets home from Q School. So we're packed and ready but still on track for the end of October. He's currently measuring a little small (like Eva so no surprise) and right at 6 pounds. We just continue to pray he's healthy and as excited to see us as we are to see him.

Until then we'll just soak up our time with Eva, enjoy our family at her birthday party, and get through first stage of q school. That should keep us occupied for the next 10 days!


Tales From Alexandria said...

You did a fabulous job! Can't wait to see the little man in his room!

Bierman Adventures said...

You are right on schedule with my sister. I'll be praying for you!